
镜子里的魔法世界 完结 | 6集

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类型: 儿童读物
更新时间: 2017-06-01

《镜子里的魔法世界》的详细内容________   卡卡辞别了白胡子老爷爷,他找到达泡泡水塘,水塘边实在有一只大槐树,卡卡照着老爷...详细介绍>>

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《镜子里的魔法世界》的详细内容________   卡卡辞别了白胡子老爷爷,他找到达泡泡水塘,水塘边实在有一只大槐树,卡卡照着老爷爷说的绕着大槐树左转了三圈右转了三圈,果不其然从树洞里跳出一只绿颜色的大田鸡,有孺子那末高,卡卡在它头上轻轻地敲了三下,对田鸡说:“大田鸡呀大田鸡,请你帮我找一点泡泡草”,大田鸡“象声词”一声跳进水里,过了片刻嘴里叼着一把绿莹莹的水藻游过来了,卡卡拿到水藻对田鸡说:“谢谢你呀,大田鸡”,可是大田鸡呆呆的,又一蹦一跳地回到达树洞。 Kaka has left white beard, he found a bubble of grandfather pond pool, and it have a big pagoda, kaka said according to grandpa around the big of the pagoda left three laps turn right, sure enough the three times from tree hole jump out a green frogs liang, a big thoughts, kaka in high then head it tapped the three, to say: "the big chicken chicken chicken big ah, could you help me find a little bubble grass", big flogs "with a" onomatopoeic jumped into the water, and, after a moment in your mouth a LuYingYing algae bloom swam across the algae, kaka get to flogs said, "thank you ah, big flogs", but big flogs dull, and hopped back to reach tree hole.   ____
